

Using salt as an example, ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) challenges his disciples to evaluate how they have lived their lives and to consider the consequences of their choices. Read his message in the Holy Injil ( from Matthew 5:13.

8 Point Star bordering scripture text

Matthew 5:13

13“You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its flavour, with what will it be salted? It is then good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men.”

8 Point Star bordering scripture text

Study the Story

Do you have a friend with you now?  If so, then tell each other this message in your own words and help each other remember the complete teaching.  If you are alone, then please take a moment to retell the message to yourself in your own words.  Also, think of a friend you can share this teaching with later on.

As you study this message, what does it teach you about ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh)?  (Think about this before reading more.)

Key Points

Scholars debate the exact meaning of the phrase “salt of the earth”. We know that salt is a preservative that prevents food from spoiling. Perhaps ‘Isa (pbuh) meant that his followers should prevent this world from spoiling; that we should prevent others from turning away from Allah and his righteous ways.

In addition to being a preservative (something that prevents decay), salt can also be a healing agent (something that reverses decay). The crowds listening to ‘Isa (pbuh) would have been familiar with a story from the Taurat where Al-Yasa (pbuh) throws salt into an impure (cursed) spring and causes it to bring forth pure water (2 Kings 2:19-22). Maybe ‘Isa (pbuh) meant that his followers should purify and heal that which has been polluted and harmed by the shayatin.

Lastly, salt was so valuable during the time of ‘Isa (pbuh) that people sometimes used it as currency. Could it be that ‘Isa (pbuh) meant to tell us that Allah looks upon us with such love that we are extremely valuable to him?

Regardless of the specific meaning of “salt of the earth” (preservative, healing agent, or description of value), the general meaning is positive. However, ‘Isa (pbuh) doesn’t stop there. He immediately challenges his followers with the negative alternative of “salt that has lost its flavour”. This happens when other substances have mixed with the salt, contaminating it and weakening its flavour. In this case, the salt is no longer good for anything and will be rejected.

This is a sobering passage. Have I allowed myself to become contaminated in any way? Have I lost my value? Instead of preserving righteousness, am I pursuing selfish pleasure? Instead of healing the harm caused by curses, am I living in fear of the evil eye? Have I failed to live up to the designs Allah has intended for my life? And if I have failed, what will become of me?


Have your eyes been opened to contamination in your life? Are you aware of a failure to live up to Allah’s expectations? Let me encourage you to cry out to him and repent with a dua like this. He is most merciful and compassionate.

Oh Allah, you are merciful and compassionate. You are righteous in all of your ways. You are the Holy One, completely uncontaminated by evil. Your purposes for my life are noble, but I have failed you. I’ve allowed myself to be contaminated by _________. I am broken over my failure. I am so sorry, Allah, and I want to change. Help me to change, please. I need your help. Guide me on the straight path. Show me how I can obtain forgiveness and be restored.

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