A Touch of Faith

A Touch of Faith

What happens when a woman with a shameful disease reaches out and touches ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) with the hope of being healed? Maybe her disease was caused by the Evil Eye. What will ‘Isa (pbuh) do? Will he react with anger or will he heal her? Read this story from the Holy Injil (al-kitab.org) beginning in Mark 5:25.

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Mark 5:25-34

25A certain woman, who had a discharge of blood for twelve years, 26and had suffered many things by many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better, but rather grew worse, 27having heard the things concerning ‘Isa, came up behind him in the crowd, and touched his clothes. 28For she said, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be made well.” 29Immediately the flow of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction.

30Immediately ‘Isa, perceiving in himself that the power had gone out from him, turned around in the crowd, and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”

31His disciples said to him, “You see the multitude pressing against you, and you say, ‘Who touched me?'”

32He looked around to see her who had done this thing. 33But the woman, fearing and trembling, knowing what had been done to her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.

34He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be cured of your disease.”

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Study the Story

Do you have a friend with you now?  Tell each other this story in your own words.  Help each other remember the complete story.  If you are alone, please take a moment to retell the story to yourself in your own words.  Now, think of a friend you can share this story with later on.

As you study this story, what does it teach you about ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh)?  (Think about this before reading more.)

Key Points

I see that ‘Isa (pbuh) has amazing power to heal! The woman had suffered for 12 years. Nothing else was able to heal her, but ‘Isa (pbuh) was able to heal her simply because she had faith in his power to heal.

We can also see that ‘Isa (pbuh) wasn’t concerned about the nature of her disease. A woman in her condition was considered unclean. So, she could not pray or approach Allah, and she certainly should not touch a spiritual leader like ‘Isa (pbuh). The religious rules of the day taught that she would have contaminated ‘Isa (pbuh) since she was unclean when she touched him. However, instead of becoming contaminated, ‘Isa (pbuh) healed her. Does that mean he will welcome us no matter what condition we are in?

In addition, I see that ‘Isa (pbuh) wanted to know the person who had touched him. He is not a tool that we can use to our advantage. Rather, he is a person, and he wanted to engage the woman as a person. He welcomed her when she came to him in truth, cared for her, and assured her that she was healed. ‘Isa (pbuh) wanted her to have peace.


Do you need help from ‘Isa (pbuh)? Maybe you need healing from an Evil Eye curse. Do you have faith to reach out to him like the woman in the story? Do you believe that he wants you to have peace? If you would like to, say a dua like this:

Oh Allah, you are merciful and compassionate. Through ‘Isa (pbuh) you have shown us that you will welcome us when we come to you in truth and reach out to you in faith. That is what I am doing now. I need you to help me with ________. I have no peace because of this, but I believe you want me to have peace. Help me to know ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) and the peace you want to give me through him.

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