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A Touch of Faith

A Touch of Faith

What happens when a woman with a shameful disease reaches out and touches ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) with the hope of being healed? Maybe her disease was caused by the Evil Eye. What will ‘Isa (pbuh) do? Will he react with anger? Will he heal her? Read this story from the Holy Injil ( beginning in Mark 5:25.

Help My Unbelief

Help My Unbelief

In this story found in the Holy Injil ( beginning in Mark 9:14 we see a boy tormented by an unclean spirit (jinn) and his father’s desperate plea for help. Maybe the boy was cursed by an Evil Eye. Maybe there is another reason the jinn is oppressing him. In this same story we also discover a great deal about ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) and his power over the jinn.



‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) raises the standard of purity and faithfulness as he takes on lust and divorce while he teaches about Allah’s righteous expectations for our lives in this story from the Holy Injil ( beginning in Matthew 5:27.

Anger = Murder

Anger = Murder

‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) teaches about the height of Allah’s righteous standard for our lives in this story from the Holy Injil ( beginning in Matthew 5:21. In this teaching he equates angry behaviour with murder and urges us to take initiative to pursue reconciliation with others.

The Righteous Standard

The Righteous Standard

How do we know if we measure up to the standard that Allah has set for our lives? ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) teaches about the righteousness that Allah desires for us in this story from the Holy Injil ( beginning in Matthew 5:17.



‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) invites his followers to live a life that brings glory to Allah in this passage from the Holy Injil ( beginning in Matthew 5:14 where he compares the way we live to light.



Using salt as an example, ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) challenges his disciples to evaluate how they have lived their lives and to consider the consequences of their choices.

Authority to Forgive

Authority to Forgive

Four people break open the roof above ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) while he is teaching a crowd. Then they lower down their paralyzed friend. Read about the authority ‘Isa (pbuh) has both to heal and to forgive sin in this story from the Holy Injil ( beginning in Mark 2:1.

Chain Breaking Mercy

Chain Breaking Mercy

‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) meets a man controlled by a powerful demon. In his mercy, ‘Isa (pbuh) casts the demon into a heard of pigs and restores the man to full health and freedom, but the people from the region are filled with fear and send ‘Isa (pbuh) away. Read this interesting story from the Holy Injil ( beginning in Luke 8:26.