Freedom. Peace. Joy.

Freedom. Peace. Joy.

Brothers and Sisters, I want you to know freedom from the power of the Evil Eye.  Perhaps, you are currently struggling against an Evil Eye curse.  Maybe something has happened recently that has increased your fear of the Evil Eye.  Maybe you have always been worried about the Evil Eye and oppression from jinn. 

Could you imagine living life without out any fear of the Evil Eye?  Can you imagine the peace you would feel, and the joy that would fill your days?  Could the energy now consumed by worry be spent on something better?  Could the money now spent on protections and cures be given to those in need?  Would your heart delight even more in Allah and his ways?

Did you know that ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) has complete victory over the powers of darkness?  He can provide total protection from curses and jinn.  Through ‘Isa (pbuh) you can live a life without any fear of the Evil Eye. 

Will you explore the scriptures with me to discover the power of ‘Isa al Masih (pbuh) and how his power can be applied to your life?  It’s always best to journey with a companion.  Can you think of someone who can join you in this journey… an elder, a brother, a sister, a friend?  The truth of Allah is rich and best understood when we can discuss it with others.  Please invite someone to share in this experience with you.

Of course, I am on this journey with you, too.  Please send a message or post comments to share your thoughts.  I want to learn with you and encourage you along the way. 

~Noor Kitabse~

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